3-D Secure verification service
3-D Secure is a security protocol designed to prevent online card payment fraud. The verification service is supported by all major payment systems and also known as Verified by VISA and Masterсard SecureCode.
The activated 3-D Secure service shifts the liability for processing fraudulently authorized card payments from merchants to card issuing banks.
As for the customers, to verify online payments 3-D Secure collects additional data:
a verification code in 3-D Secure 1.0 (3DS 1.0). The clients are redirected to the Access Control Server form (ACS form) of the card issuer to enter the password which they receive from the bank;
browser and device data in 3-D Secure 2.0 (3DS 2.0). This information is usually enough to verify a payment. Though for suspicious transactions the card issuing bank may ask for the verification password as for 3DS 1.0.
While processing payments, the Paytastic system checks them against both 3-D Secure versions. On a case-by-case basis you can negotiate the use of 3-D Secure 1.0 only. Anyway, the system returns a response with the additional three_d_secure_verification
section with 3-D Secure verification results.
You can set payment processing rules for your shop, for example, to decline payments with an unknown status of 3-D Secure verification. For more information, please contact your account manager.